Thursday, July 7, 2011

Keep Calm and...

If I were a yogi, my mantra would be "Keep Calm." Not just because I need to  remind myself to CHILL a few (million) times a day, but more because I am obsessed with those Keep Calm and... posters that seem to be, yes, everywhere.  While the original  Keep Calm and Carry On version is always a good bet, you can find one on Etsy for whatever you fancy. (Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake, anyone?)  My twins' nursery has the Keep Calm and Rock On print pictured above that I ordered at Nuevo Designs (they will customize colors for you). I stuck mine in a vintage-y white frame from Tar-jay and called it a day, all for  about 30 bucks. It hangs quite appropriately over the changing table because when you've been changing two ten month olds' diapers all day long, it helps to look at something pretty to remind you to just "chillax" (my pre-schooler's new favorite vocabulary word). 

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